Wednesday, April 20, 2011

March 1, 2011 - Tenzin Ray Mak is Here!!

The pictures lovingly captured by Erica tell the tale... See this link:
Tenzin's arrival was as peaceful and beautiful as could be. He immediately amazed us with a gentle and quiet demeanor. Here are some photos from his first hours with us.

Papa Reed tells the story of his 45 minute drive from Palo Alto to SF to meet him for the first time. There was a broad rainbow in the sky for the entire time he was on the road - right 'over' San Francisco where we all waited to introduce him to his newest grandson.

Mom cherished her time in the care of the lovely nurses and doctors at CPMC and four nights of gentle sleep with her new baby in her arms. Though nothing beat coming home and all being together as A Family Of Four - at last!!

(more photos posts immediately to follow)