Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hello there!

So it has been a busy couple of weeks. We have all adjusted to a new schedule now that Mom has gone back to work. I have a nanny that I share with a little girl named Eleanor... we get along really well (I think she has a crush on me, actually). Mom stops by at least once a day for lunch or an afternoon snack, so that is cool too.

Here is a fuzzy photo of me in my new chair. I love sitting and standing (with some help) these days.

The Many Faces of Xander Part V

These were all shot on Saturday 9/15/07. I wish you could hear me! I am making all kinds of noises these days... :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A message for our viewers...

Thanks for your patience as we take a pause here due to a technical problem with our camera. More posts coming soon! xo

Monday, September 3, 2007

Blessed be ~

On Sunday, September 3rd we went out to a beautiful point - Lands End on the edge of San Francisco - where our dear friend Anthony performed a special blessing ceremony for me. I was vert aware that something special was taking place...!

Happy Xander!

I grew out of my bassinet last week. Since moving to my bigger bed I am extra excited when my parents play with me in the morning.

Shawna and Chad are married!

We went back up to Guerneville last weekend for an incredibly memorable weekend at Wildwood Retreat Center where we celebrated Chad and Shawna's wedding. After the wedding we spent an entire day pool-side where I DJ'd with my dad :)